Pakistan In Rubble
In 2005 a magnitude 7.6 earthquake rocked Pakistan and the mountainous region of Kashmir October 8th, 2005, killing 80,000 people and leaving 3.5 million homeless. These photographs document a glimpse into the aftermath as survivors deal with the grief of losing loved ones and livelihoods. Lack of shelter, food, water and medical help are a daily concern as they attempt to rebuild their lives. Recapturing the community, rebuilding homes and restarting schools are the priorities for these strong and determined people trying to regain a sense of normalcy while facing the harsh uncertainty of a fast-approaching winter.

©Thomas James Hurst/The Seattle Times

©Thomas James Hurst/The Seattle Times

©Thomas James Hurst/The Seattle Times

©Thomas James Hurst/The Seattle Times

©Thomas James Hurst/The Seattle Times

Hafeeza Zaheen, center front, keeps a small cooking fire burning in her livestock stable, where family members gather for warmth and community. The earthquake that claimed thousands also killed her youngest child. Her 9-year-old son Basit, second from the left, suffers from tuberculosis and may not make it through the winter. ©Thomas James Hurst/The Seattle Times

©Thomas James Hurst/The Seattle Times

©Thomas James Hurst/The Seattle Times

©Thomas James Hurst/The Seattle Times

©Thomas James Hurst/The Seattle Times

©Thomas James Hurst/The Seattle Times

©Thomas James Hurst/The Seattle Times

©Thomas James Hurst/The Seattle Times

©Thomas James Hurst/The Seattle Times